1. What is assets-pipeline
- it provides the framework to concatenate and minify or compress JS, CSS assets
- it can also write these assets in other languages and pre-processors such as CoffeeScript, Sass and ERB
- it is implemented by gem sprockets-rails gem, and is enabled by defaut.
*** Fingerprinting technical
- make name of file dependent on the content of file, file changed => name changed
- it avoid query strings to reduce problems
Using assets-pipeline
- At subdirectory : app/assets
- Any assets under public will be served as static files by the application or web server when config.public_file_server.enabled is set to true.
In production, Rails precompile those file to public/assets by default. The precompiled copies are then served as static assets by the web server. File in app/assets never be run directly
if the coffee-rails or sass-rails is in Gemfile, when you generate the controller or scafford, Rails automatically generate .coffee and .scss file.
- You can also disable generation of controller specific asset files by adding the following to your config/application.rb configuration:
(config.generators do |g|
g.assets false
Assets organization
- app/assets: store your custom code (js, css, …)
- lib/assets: store your custom code but can use for another apps
- vendor/assets: store third-party’s code, use helper to edit their code