1. Command: ls

  • The command “ls” stands for (List Directory Contents), List the contents of the folder, be it file or folder, from which it runs.

  • The command “ls -l” list the content of folder, in long listing fashion.

  • Command “ls -a“, list the content of folder, including hidden files starting with ‘.’.

2. Command: lsblk

  • The “lsblk” stands for (List Block Devices), print block devices by their assigned name (but not RAM) on the standard output in a tree-like fashion.

  • The “lsblk -l” command list block devices in ‘list‘ structure (not tree like fashion).

3. Command: cd

  • The cd command, also known as chdir (change directory), is a command-line OS shell command used to change the current working directory in operating systems such as Unix, DOS, OS/2, AmigaOS

4. Command: df

  • df (abbreviation for disk free) is a standard Unix command used to display the amount of available disk space for file systems on which the invoking user has appropriate read access. df is typically implemented using the statfs or statvfs system calls.

5. Command: history

  • The “history” command stands for History (Event) Record, it prints the history of long list of executed commands in terminal.

6. Command: sudo

  • The “sudo” (super user do) command allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified by the security policy in the sudoers list.

7. Command: chmod

  • The Linux “chmod” command stands for (change file mode bits). chmod changes the file mode (permission) of each given file, folder, script, etc.. according to mode asked for.

  • Now permission need to be set for 3 kinds of user and usergroup. The first is owner, then usergroup and finally world.

  • Here the root’s permission is rwx (read, write and execute).

  • Read(4), Write(2), Read(1)

8. Command: chown

  • The Linux “chown” command stands for (change file owner and group). Every file belongs to a group of user and a owner. It is used Do ‘ls -l‘ into your directory and you will see something like this.

9. Command: cp

  • The “copy” stands for (Copy), it copies a file from one location to another location.

10. Command: mv

  • The “mv” command moves a file from one location to another location.

11. Command: rm

  • The “rm” command remove a file at the location.